Sunday, January 12, 2014

Increase blog traffic
If you desire to increase your blog traffic then your blog should have great content that people would love to see. Your content should impress people to revisit your blog again. Well sometimes even having great content may not increase your blog traffic because of lack of publicity. So you should advertise your blog as much as possible.

There are many ways to promote your blog which results into increase in the traffic of your blog. I will provide you some lead lines to promote your blog which I know.

1. Content:
                Your blog should have beautiful design and should be user friendly. The content of the blog must be attractive, and present your content in a unique way so people find it attractive. Your content must meet the desire of the people otherwise it will be useless. The title of your post should contain the main key word for your page. Your page must have minimum 300 words.

2. Submit your website to search engine.
                  You should submit your blog to the search engine so when people search for your blog they can locate it.
For google: Submit your blog in this url.
For yahoo: Submit your blog in this url.
For bing/MSN: Submit your blog in this url.

3. Drop your link:
                   You should provid your blog link in other people's blog by using the help of comment crate. You should do this in those sites which is related to your site. Search in google for the keywords which you prefer for your blog and comment on the blog which is on the top of google search. The site which is on the top of google search have lots of visitors so the visitors might look at your blog too.

4. Submit your blog to bookmarking sites:
                     This will help you to advertise your blog for free and many viewers will flow into your blog. Use bookmarking sites like tumbler, digg, reddit, stumbleupon, slashdot, etc. Try to submit your blog in these sites this will really help.
5. Use social networks:
                      Advertise your blog with the help of social networks like facebook, twitter, google+. They also really helps you to increase your blog traffic. Get as many friends as you can and share them about your blog.

6. PTC sites.
                      You can use ptc sites to increase your traffic. But in this case you have to spend some money to do thah. But the results are impressive.

If you use the above methods then you can increase your blog traffic. And there is a great site which can help you to increase your traffic blog and it is for free. It is a must visit site for the people who want to increase their blog traffic and the site is linkcollider. Linkcollider does the magic and helps to increase your blog traffic very effectively. Hope I helped.

Link Collider

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